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micropython的lcd_i2c库来简化与 I2C LCD 的通信点亮led1602屏幕
新建 lcd.py
from lcd_i2c import LCD from machine import I2C, Pin # 定义 LCD 的 I2C 地址、行数和列数 I2C_ADDR = 0x27 NUM_ROWS = 2 NUM_COLS = 16 # 定义 I2C 接口对象,使用指定的引脚和频率初始化 i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(3), sda=Pin(2), freq=800_000) # 创建 LCD 对象,并传入所需的参数 lcd = LCD(addr=I2C_ADDR, cols=NUM_COLS, rows=NUM_ROWS, i2c=i2c) # 初始化 LCD 显示屏 lcd.begin() # 在 LCD 显示屏上打印字符串 "Hello World" lcd.print("Hello World!")
"""I2C LCD showcase""" from lcd_i2c import LCD from machine import I2C, Pin from time import sleep # 定义 LCD 的 I2C 地址、行数和列数 I2C_ADDR = 0x27 I2C_NUM_ROWS = 2 I2C_NUM_COLS = 16 FREQ = 800000 # 如果出现 "Errno 5" 错误,可以尝试降低该值 def print_and_wait(text: str, sleep_time: int = 2) -> None: """ 打印文本并等待一段时间。 :param text: 要打印的文本 :type text: str :param sleep_time: 等待时间(秒) :type sleep_time: int """ print(text) sleep(sleep_time) # 定义 I2C 接口,默认为 'I2C(0)',具体根据设备文档和引脚信息进行调整 i2c = I2C(1, scl=Pin(3), sda=Pin(2), freq=FREQ) lcd = LCD(addr=I2C_ADDR, cols=I2C_NUM_COLS, rows=I2C_NUM_ROWS, i2c=i2c) # 获取 LCD 的信息和属性 print("LCD is on I2C address {}".format(lcd.addr)) print("LCD has {} columns and {} rows".format(lcd.cols, lcd.rows)) print("LCD is used with a charsize of {}".format(lcd.charsize)) print("Cursor position is {}".format(lcd.cursor_position)) # 启动 LCD,因为为了与 Arduino 兼容,初始化时不会自动调用此方法 lcd.begin() # 在 LCD 上打印文本,显示在第一行第一列 lcd.print("Hello World") print_and_wait("Show 'Hello World' on LCD") # 关闭 LCD 背光 lcd.no_backlight() print_and_wait("Turn LCD backlight off") # 获取当前背光值 print("Backlight value: {}".format(lcd.get_backlight())) # 打开 LCD 背光 lcd.backlight() print_and_wait("Turn LCD backlight on") # 获取当前背光值 print("Backlight value: {}".format(lcd.get_backlight())) # 清空 LCD 显示内容 lcd.clear() print_and_wait("Clear display content") # 打开光标(显示光标) lcd.cursor() print_and_wait("Turn cursor on (show)") # 光标闪烁 lcd.blink() print_and_wait("Blink cursor") # 将光标返回到起始位置 lcd.home() print_and_wait("Return cursor to home position") # 停止光标闪烁 lcd.no_blink() print_and_wait("Stop blinking cursor") # 关闭光标(隐藏光标) lcd.no_cursor() print_and_wait("Turn cursor off (hide)") # 在屏幕上打印文本 lcd.print("Hello again") print_and_wait("Show 'Hello again' on LCD") # 关闭显示 lcd.no_display() print_and_wait("Turn LCD off") # 打开显示 lcd.display() print_and_wait("Turn LCD on") # 向左滚动显示 for _ in "Hello again": lcd.scroll_display_left() sleep(0.5) print_and_wait("Scroll display to the left") # 向右滚动显示 for _ in "Hello again": lcd.scroll_display_right() sleep(0.5) print_and_wait("Scroll display to the right") # 设置文本从右到左流动 lcd.clear() lcd.set_cursor(col=12, row=0) lcd.right_to_left() lcd.print("Right to left") print_and_wait("Set text flow right to left") # 设置文本从左到右流动 lcd.clear() lcd.set_cursor(col=0, row=0) lcd.left_to_right() lcd.print("Left to right") print_and_wait("Set text flow left to right") # 激活自动滚动 lcd.autoscroll() print_and_wait("Activate autoscroll") # 禁用自动滚动 lcd.no_autoscroll() print_and_wait("Disable autoscroll") # 将光标设置到第二行第七列 lcd.clear() lcd.cursor() lcd.set_cursor(col=7, row=1) print_and_wait("Set cursor to row 1, column 7") lcd.no_cursor() # 设置自定义字符号 0 为 :-) # 自定义字符号可以设置在位置 0 到 7 lcd.create_char( location=0, charmap=[0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x04, 0x04, 0x11, 0x0E, 0x00] # 这是二进制矩阵,可以感受和查看 # 00000 # 00000 # 10001 # 00100 # 00100 # 10001 # 01110 # 00000 ) print_and_wait("Create custom char ':-)'") # 显示存储在位置 0 的自定义字符 lcd.print(chr(0)) print_and_wait("Show custom char")
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