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2.8寸4线SPI串口TFT液晶显示屏模块ILI9341驱动LCD触摸屏 240*320
# test of printing multiple fonts to the ILI9341 on an M5Stack using H/W SP # MIT License; Copyright (c) 2017 Jeffrey N. Magee from ili934xnew import ILI9341, color565 from machine import Pin, SPI import m5stack import tt14 import glcdfont import tt14 import tt24 import tt32,time fonts = [glcdfont,tt14,tt24,tt32] text = '\nNow is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.' power = Pin(17, Pin.OUT) power.value(1) spi = SPI( 2, baudrate=40000000, miso=Pin(6), mosi=Pin(5), sck=Pin(4) ) display = ILI9341( spi, cs=Pin(18), dc=Pin(16), rst=Pin(15), w=320, h=240, r=0) display.erase() display.set_pos(0,0) for ff in fonts: display.set_font(ff) display.print(text) time.sleep(1)
完整源码:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DU0g1bAIRQo8l_Xv9smliQ?pwd=1gjj
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