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import lvgl as lv import espidf as esp import time #from espidf import VSPI_HOST from ili9XXX import ili9488, LANDSCAPE from ft6x36 import ft6x36 import esp32 from micropython import const import fs_driver import onewire, ds18x20 from espidf import VSPI_HOST from machine import Pin, I2C import machine machine.freq(240000000) #BL引脚 p16 = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) p16.value(1) # ------------------------------ 屏幕初始化操作 --start------------------------ # 屏幕宽高 WIDTH = 320 HEIGHT = 480 """ (0x04)#刷新0=从左到右,1=从右到左 (0x10)#刷新0=从上到下,1=从下到上 (0x20)#0=正常,1=行/列交换 (0x40)#0=从左到右,1=从右到左 (0x80)#0=从上到下,1=从下到上 """ # 创建显示屏对象 disp = ili9488(miso=13, mosi=11, clk=12, cs=10, dc=17, rst=18, spihost=VSPI_HOST, mhz=20,power=-1,backlight=-1, factor=16, hybrid=True, width=320, height=480,rot=0x40|0x10, #竖屏 0x40|0x10 横屏0x20 invert=True, double_buffer=True, half_duplex=False) # 创建触摸屏对象 touch = ft6x36(sda=6, scl=7,inv_x=False, inv_y=False, swap_xy=False)# 竖屏 swap_xy=False 横屏 swap_xy=True # ------------------------------ 屏幕初始化操作 --stop------------------------ # 1. 创建显示screen对象。将需要显示的组件添加到这个screen才能显示 scr = lv.obj() # scr====> screen 屏幕 #scr = lv.scr_act() #scr.clean() #color dark = lv.color_hex(0x000000) light_dark = lv.color_hex(0x2c2c2c) white = lv.color_hex(0xffffff) light_green = lv.color_hex(0x097abb) scr.set_style_bg_color(white, 0) # 2. 封装的需要显示的按钮 class CounterBtn(): def __init__(self, scr): self.cnt = 0 btn = lv.btn(scr) # 将当前按钮与screen对象进行关联 # btn.set_pos(20, 10) # 相对于屏幕左上角 x为20,y为10 btn.set_size(120, 50) # 设置按钮的宽度为120, 高度为50 btn.align(lv.ALIGN.CENTER,0,-10) # 居中(第1个0表示x的偏移量,第2个0表示相对于y的偏移量) btn.add_event_cb(self.btn_event_cb, lv.EVENT.ALL, None) # 设置按钮被按下后的回调函数 label = lv.label(btn) # 在按钮上创建一个标签Label,用来显示文字用 label.set_text("Button") # 设置文字内容 label.center() # 相对于父对象居中 def btn_event_cb(self, evt): code = evt.get_code() # 获取点击事件类型码 btn = evt.get_target() # 获取被点击的对象,此时就是按钮 if code == lv.EVENT.CLICKED: self.cnt += 1 print(code) print(lv.EVENT.CLICKED) # Get the first child of the button which is the label and change its text label = btn.get_child(0) label.set_text("Button: " + str(self.cnt)) # 修改文字内容 # 3. 创建按钮 counterBtn = CounterBtn(scr) # 4. 显示screen对象中的内容 lv.scr_load(scr) # ------------------------------ 看门狗,用来重启ESP32设备 --start------------------------ try: from machine import WDT wdt = WDT(timeout=2000) # enable it with a timeout of 2s print("提示: 按下Ctrl+C结束程序") while True: wdt.feed() time.sleep(0.9) except KeyboardInterrupt as ret: print("程序停止运行,ESP32已经重启...") # ------------------------------ 看门狗,用来重启ESP32设备 --stop-------------------------
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