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Micropython ESP32 C3连接独立按键
from machine import Pin,I2C,PWM import time #合宙ESP32c3开发板 # 定义上、下、左、右、中、SET、RST七个按键 UP = Pin(10,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) DWN = Pin(6,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) LFT = Pin(7,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) RHT = Pin(9,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) MID = Pin(2,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) SET = Pin(3,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) RST = Pin(8,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) # 定义led灯对象 led = Pin(13,Pin.OUT) def Key(): # "up","down","left ","right","middle","set","rst" key = 1 if (key == 1 and (UP.value() == 0 or DWN.value() == 0 or LFT.value() == 0 or RHT.value() == 0) or MID.value() == 0 or SET.value() == 0 or RST.value() == 0): time.sleep(0.020) key = 0 if UP.value() == 0: return "upper" elif DWN.value() == 0: return "down " elif LFT.value() == 0: return "Left " elif RHT.value() == 0: return "right" elif MID.value() == 0: return "middle" elif SET.value() == 0: return "set " elif RST.value() == 0: return "rst " if(not(key == 0 and (UP.value() == 0 or DWN.value() == 0 or LFT.value() == 0 or RHT.value() == 0) or MID.value() == 0 or SET.value() == 0 or RST.value() == 0)): key = 1 return -1 def dispaly(): #code = ["upper","down","Left ","right","middle","set","rst"] #code = ("upper","down","Left ","right","middle","set","rst") code = { 0:"upper", 1:"down ", 2:"Left ", 3:"right", 4:"middle", 5:"set ", 6:"rst ", } if Key() == code[0]: print("%s"%(code[0])) elif Key() == code[1]: print("%s"%(code[1])) elif Key() == code[2]: print("%s"%(code[2])) elif Key() == code[3]: print("%s"%(code[3])) elif Key() == code[4]: print("%s"%(code[4])) elif Key() == code[5]: print("%s"%(code[5])) elif Key() == code[6]: print("%s"%(code[6])) # 创建LED函数 def LED(): if Key() == "middle": # 当按下mid键时,反转LED状态 led.value(not led.value()) # while not MID.value(): # pass def main(): font.text(oled,str("独立按键"),32,24,color=1,font_size=16,reverse=False,clear=False,show=True,half_char=True, auto_wrap=True) while True: dispaly() LED() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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