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ESP32(MicroPython) WS2812 RGB流水灯对称版
#导入Pin模块 from machine import Pin import time from machine import PWM from neopixel import NeoPixel # 五向导航按键,COM引脚接3.3V key1 = Pin(21, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) key2 = Pin(19, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) key3 = Pin(18, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) key4 = Pin(5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) key5 = Pin(17, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) key6 = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN) pin=13 rgb_num=24 rgb_led=NeoPixel(Pin(pin,Pin.OUT),rgb_num) key_en=1 #按键扫描函数 def key_scan(): global key_en if key_en==1 and (key1.value()==1 or key2.value()==1 or key3.value()==1 or key4.value()==1 or key5.value()==1 or key6.value()==1 ): time.sleep_ms(10) key_en=0 if key1.value()==1: return 1 elif key2.value()==1: return 2 elif key3.value()==1: return 3 elif key4.value()==1: return 4 elif key5.value()==1: return 5 elif key6.value()==1: return 6 elif (key1.value()==0 and key2.value()==0 and key3.value()==0 and key4.value()==0 and key5.value()==0 and key6.value()==0 ) : key_en=1 return 0 brightness=51 delay=40 mode=5 def key_get(): #获取键值并改变变量的值 global brightness global delay global mode key=key_scan() if key==1 and brightness<255 : brightness+=17 elif key==2 and brightness>17 : brightness-=17 elif key==3 and delay<90 : delay+=10 elif key==4 and delay>10 : delay-=10 elif key==5 and mode<6 : mode+=1 elif key==6 and mode>0 : mode-=1 count1=0 count2=23 #程序入口 while True: key_get() if count1==12 : count1=0 if count2==11 : count2=23 if mode==0 : #关灯 for i in range(rgb_num): rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, 0) rgb_led.write() if mode==1 : #三原色对称 temp=0 i=count1 count1+=1 while temp<4 : #前半部分 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 i=count2 count2-=1 while temp<4 : #后半部分 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay) if mode==2 : #三原色对称重复 temp=0 i=count1 count1+=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : repeat+=1 while temp<2 : #前半部分 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 i=count2 count2-=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : repeat+=1 while temp<2 : #后半部分 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay) if mode==3 : #三间色对称 temp=0 i=count1 count1+=1 while temp<4 : #前半部分 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 i=count2 count2-=1 while temp<4 : #后半部分 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<4 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay) if mode==4 : #三间色对称重复 temp=0 i=count1 count1+=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : repeat+=1 while temp<2 : #前半部分 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 i=count2 count2-=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : repeat+=1 while temp<2 : #后半部分 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay) if mode==5 : #三原色+三间色对称 temp=0 i=count1 count1+=1 while temp<2 : #前半部分 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i+=1 temp+=1 temp=0 i=count2 count2-=1 while temp<2 : #后半部分 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 temp=0 while temp<2 : if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i-=1 temp+=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay) if mode==6 : #三原色+三间色对称重复 i=count1 count1+=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : #前半部分 repeat+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i+=1 if i>11 : i-=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i+=1 i=count2 count2-=1 repeat=0 while repeat<2 : #后半部分 repeat+=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, 0) i-=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, brightness, 0) i-=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, 0) i-=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, brightness, brightness) i-=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(0, 0, brightness) i-=1 if i<12 : i+=12 rgb_led[i]=(brightness, 0, brightness) i-=1 rgb_led.write() time.sleep_ms(delay)
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