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""" MicroPython driver for SD cards using SPI bus. Requires an SPI bus and a CS pin. Provides readblocks and writeblocks methods so the device can be mounted as a filesystem. # Examples of how to use # ESP32 - mount sd card import uos import esp_sdcard sd = esp_sdcard.Esp_sdcard(slot=2) uos.mount(sd, '/sd') Notes: Format SD FAT32 not FAT or other When sd_init=True sd bus/slot will not get initialized if SD card is not inserted/available # If card was removed you can remount uos.umount('/sd') sd.init() uos.mount(sd, '/sd') # List file on sd card uos.listdir('/sd') # Try to creat and write to a file f = open('/sd/data.txt', 'w') f.write('some data') f.close() # Try to read from a file f = open('/sd/data.txt') f.read() f.close() """ from micropython import const from machine import SPI, Pin class Esp_sdcard: # Class constants _CMD_TIMEOUT = const(100) _R1_IDLE_STATE = const(1<<0) # R1_ERASE_RESET = const(1 << 1) _R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND = const(1 << 2) # R1_COM_CRC_ERROR = const(1 << 3) # R1_ERASE_SEQUENCE_ERROR = const(1 << 4) # R1_ADDRESS_ERROR = const(1 << 5) # R1_PARAMETER_ERROR = const(1 << 6) _TOKEN_CMD25 = const(0xFC) _TOKEN_STOP_TRAN = const(0xFD) _TOKEN_DATA = const(0xFE) def __init__(self, slot=2, baudrate=1000000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=0, sck=None, mosi=None, miso=None, cs=None, sd_init=True): # Instance variables self.spi = None self.baudrate = baudrate # just storing value to initialize with slower baud self.cs = None self.cdv = 1 self.sectors = None # SPI Type if slot == 1: # Use default pins if not entered if sck is None: sck = 14 if mosi is None: mosi = 13 if miso is None: miso = 12 if cs is None: cs = 15 elif slot == 2: # Use default pins if not entered if sck is None: sck = 18 if mosi is None: mosi = 23 if miso is None: miso = 19 if cs is None: cs = 5 else: raise OSError("Invalid SPI slot") # Set baud floor value? (should probably remove) if self.baudrate < 100000: self.baudrate = 100000 # Initialize chip select pin try: self.cs = Pin(cs) self.cs.init(self.cs.OUT, value=1) except: raise OSError("Failed to initialize CS") # Initialize SPI bus try: self.spi = SPI(slot) self.spi.init(baudrate=self.baudrate, polarity=polarity, phase=phase, bits=bits, firstbit=firstbit, sck=Pin(sck), mosi=Pin(mosi), miso=Pin(miso)) except: raise OSError("Failed to initialize SPI bus") # SD read buffers self.cmdbuf = bytearray(6) self.dummybuf = bytearray(512) self.tokenbuf = bytearray(1) for i in range(512): self.dummybuf[i] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview = memoryview(self.dummybuf) # Initialise SD card if sd_init: self.init() # May want to put in try block so atleast # De-initialize SPI bus def deinit(self): self.spi.deinit() # Initialize SD card def init(self): # Initialise the SPI bus with slow baudrate by default self.spi.init(baudrate=100000) # Set CS pin high self.cs(1) # clock card at least 100 cycles with cs high for i in range(_CMD_TIMEOUT):#16): self.spi.write(b"\xFF") # CMD0: Reset card; should return _R1_IDLE_STATE # Response: 0xFF 0x01 for i in range(_CMD_TIMEOUT):#5): self.init_cmd(0, 0, 0x95, 2) # Read Two bytes first being garbage #check sd card is in idle mode if (self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] == _R1_IDLE_STATE): # only care about the second byte break if i== (_CMD_TIMEOUT-1): print(bytes(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:2])) # all bytes read raise OSError("no SD card") # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF # CMD8: determine card version # Response: 0xFF 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x01 0xAA self.init_cmd(8, 0x01AA, 0x87, 6) if self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] == _R1_IDLE_STATE: # Only care about the second byte for i in range(_CMD_TIMEOUT): # CMD55 Indicates to the card that the next command is an application specific command # Response: 0xFF 0x01 (Don't care) #self.init_cmd(55, 0, 0, 2) self.init_cmd(55, 0, 0x87, 2) # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF #ACM41 Sends HCS, asks OCR content in the response # Response: 0xFF 0x00 self.init_cmd(41, 0x40000000, 0x87, 2) if (self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] == 0): # Only care about the second byte #if the response is 0x00 your good # and set cdv = 1 #self.cdv = 1 break if i == (_CMD_TIMEOUT - 1): print(bytes(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:2])) raise OSError("timeout waiting for v2 card") # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[2] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[3] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[4] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[5] = 0xFF #ACM58 Check card version # Response V2 HC: 0xFF 0x00 0xC0 0xFF 0x80 0x00 # Response V1 SC: 0xFF 0x00 0x80 0xFF 0x80 0x00 self.init_cmd(58, 0, 0xFF, 6) if self.dummybuf_memoryview[2] == 0x80: # CMD55 Indicates to the card that the next command is an application specific command # Response: 0xFF 0x01 (Don't care) self.init_cmd(55, 0, 0x87, 2) # CMD42: ... # Response: ... (Don't care) self.init_cmd(42, 0, 0x87, 2) self.cdv = 512 else: self.cdv = 1 # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[2] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[3] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[4] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[5] = 0xFF # CMD16: set block length to 512 bytes # Response: 0xFF 0x00 self.init_cmd(16, 0x00000200, 0x87, 2) if self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] != 0: # Only care about the second byte print(bytes(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:2])) raise OSError("Can't set 512 block size") # Clean borrowed buffers self.dummybuf_memoryview[0] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview[1] = 0xFF else: print(bytes(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:6])) # all bytes read raise OSError("Couldn't determine SD card version") # CMD9: response R2 (R1 byte + 16-byte block read) # Response: 0xFF 0x01 0x... 0xFE if self.cmd(9, 0, 0xAF, 0, False) != 0: raise OSError("no response from SD card") # Get sector size csd = bytearray(16) self.readinto(csd) if csd[0] & 0xC0 == 0x40: # CSD version 2.0 self.sectors = ((csd[8] << 8 | csd[9]) + 1) * 1024 elif csd[0] & 0xC0 == 0x00: # CSD version 1.0 (old, <=2GB) c_size = csd[6] & 0b11 | csd[7] << 2 | (csd[8] & 0b11000000) << 4 c_size_mult = ((csd[9] & 0b11) << 1) | csd[10] >> 7 self.sectors = (c_size + 1) * (2 ** (c_size_mult + 2)) else: raise OSError("SD card CSD format not supported") # Clean whole buffer for i in range(512): self.dummybuf[i] = 0xFF self.dummybuf_memoryview = memoryview(self.dummybuf) # Set back to requested baud rate self.spi.init(baudrate=self.baudrate) # Send dummy byte for clock sync self.cs(0) self.spi.write(b"\xFF") self.cs(1) def init_cmd(self, cmd=None, arg=0, crc=0, resp_size=2): # send dummy byte before every command self.cs(0) self.spi.write(b"\xFF") self.cs(1) self.cs(0) # Create and send the command buf = self.cmdbuf buf[0] = 0x40 | cmd buf[1] = arg >> 24 buf[2] = arg >> 16 buf[3] = arg >> 8 buf[4] = arg buf[5] = crc self.spi.write(buf) # Get response from SD and save to buffer self.spi.readinto(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:resp_size], 0xFF) # For debugging sd card init #print(bytes(buf)) # Command #print(bytes(self.dummybuf_memoryview[0:resp_size])) # Response self.cs(1) def cmd(self, cmd, arg, crc, final=0, release=True, skip1=False): # send dummy byte before every command self.cs(0) self.spi.write(b"\xFF") self.cs(1) self.cs(0) # create and send the command buf = self.cmdbuf buf[0] = 0x40 | cmd buf[1] = arg >> 24 buf[2] = arg >> 16 buf[3] = arg >> 8 buf[4] = arg buf[5] = crc self.spi.write(buf) if skip1: self.spi.readinto(self.tokenbuf, 0xFF) # wait for the response (response[7] == 0) for i in range(_CMD_TIMEOUT): self.spi.readinto(self.tokenbuf, 0xFF) response = self.tokenbuf[0] # For debugging sd card commands #print(bytes(buf)) # Command #print(bytes(response)) # Response if not (response & 0x80): # this could be a big-endian integer that we are getting here for j in range(final): self.spi.write(b"\xff") if release: self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") #print(bytes(response)) # Debug Response return response # timeout self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") return -1 def readinto(self, buf): self.cs(0) # read until start byte (0xff) for i in range(_CMD_TIMEOUT): self.spi.readinto(self.tokenbuf, 0xFF) if self.tokenbuf[0] == _TOKEN_DATA: break else: self.cs(1) raise OSError("timeout waiting for response") # read data mv = self.dummybuf_memoryview if len(buf) != len(mv): mv = mv[: len(buf)] self.spi.write_readinto(mv, buf) # read checksum self.spi.write(b"\xff") self.spi.write(b"\xff") self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") def write(self, token, buf): self.cs(0) # send: start of block, data, checksum self.spi.read(1, token) self.spi.write(buf) self.spi.write(b"\xff") self.spi.write(b"\xff") # check the response if (self.spi.read(1, 0xFF)[0] & 0x1F) != 0x05: self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") return # wait for write to finish while self.spi.read(1, 0xFF)[0] == 0: pass self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") def write_token(self, token): self.cs(0) self.spi.read(1, token) self.spi.write(b"\xff") # wait for write to finish while self.spi.read(1, 0xFF)[0] == 0x00: pass self.cs(1) self.spi.write(b"\xff") def readblocks(self, block_num, buf): nblocks = len(buf) // 512 assert nblocks and not len(buf) % 512, "Buffer length is invalid" if nblocks == 1: # CMD17: set read address for single block if self.cmd(17, block_num * self.cdv, 1, release=False) != 0: # release the card self.cs(1) raise OSError(5) # EIO # receive the data and release card self.readinto(buf) else: # CMD18: set read address for multiple blocks if self.cmd(18, block_num * self.cdv, 1, release=False) != 0: # release the card self.cs(1) raise OSError(5) # EIO offset = 0 mv = memoryview(buf) while nblocks: # receive the data and release card self.readinto(mv[offset : offset + 512]) offset += 512 nblocks -= 1 if self.cmd(12, 0, 0xFF, skip1=True): raise OSError(5) # EIO def writeblocks(self, block_num, buf): nblocks, err = divmod(len(buf), 512) assert nblocks and not err, "Buffer length is invalid" if nblocks == 1: # CMD24: set write address for single block if self.cmd(24, block_num * self.cdv, 1) != 0: raise OSError(5) # EIO # send the data self.write(_TOKEN_DATA, buf) else: # CMD25: set write address for first block if self.cmd(25, block_num * self.cdv, 1) != 0: raise OSError(5) # EIO # send the data offset = 0 mv = memoryview(buf) while nblocks: self.write(_TOKEN_CMD25, mv[offset : offset + 512]) offset += 512 nblocks -= 1 self.write_token(_TOKEN_STOP_TRAN) def ioctl(self, op, arg): if op == 4: # get number of blocks return self.sectors
# Import libraries import uos import esp_sdcard class SD_card: def __init__(self, sd_slot=2, sd_loc='/sd'): # Load class variables # change slot if using different spi or mmc self.sd_slot = sd_slot self.sd_loc = sd_loc self.sd = None try: self.sd = esp_sdcard.Esp_sdcard(slot=self.sd_slot, sd_init=False) # SD gets initialized except: raise OSError("Failed to set SD bus") # Initialize SD card def initialize(self): initialized = True # Attempt to initialize SD card try: self.sd.init() except: initialized = False return initialized # Mount SD card def mount(self): mounted = True file = self.sd_loc + '/.avail' # Maybe should check if its already available before remounting? # First try to unmount prevous sd mount try: uos.umount(self.sd_loc) except: pass #try to mount try: uos.mount(self.sd, self.sd_loc) ## Create file to check SD is writable f = open(file, 'w') f.write('1') f.close() except: mounted = False return mounted # Check if SD card is available def available(self): available = True file = self.sd_loc + '/.avail' # Try to write to a file try: f = open(file, 'w') f.write('1') f.close() # If not accessible to to remount except: # Re-initialize card self.initialize() # Remount SD card if self.mount(): # # Try to write to a file try: f = open(file, 'w') f.write('1') f.close() except: available = False else: available = False return available
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