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# Author: Igor Ferreira # License: MIT # Version: 2.0.0 # Description: WiFi Manager for ESP8266 and ESP32 using MicroPython. import machine import network import usocket import ure import utime class WifiManager: def __init__(self, ssid = 'WifiManager', password = '12345678'): self.wlan_sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) self.wlan_sta.active(True) self.wlan_ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) # Avoids simple mistakes with wifi ssid and password lengths, but doesn't check for forbidden or unsupported characters. if len(ssid) > 32: raise Exception('The SSID cannot be longer than 32 characters.') else: self.ap_ssid = ssid if len(password) < 8: raise Exception('The password cannot be less than 8 characters long.') else: self.ap_password = password # Set the access point authentication mode to WPA2-PSK. self.ap_authmode = 3 # The file were the credentials will be stored. # There is no encryption, it's just a plain text archive. Be aware of this security problem! self.sta_profiles = 'wifi.dat' # Prevents the device from automatically trying to connect to the last saved network without first going through the steps defined in the code. self.wlan_sta.disconnect() # Change to True if you want the device to reboot after configuration. # Useful if you're having problems with web server applications after WiFi configuration. self.reboot = False def connect(self): if self.wlan_sta.isconnected(): return profiles = self.__ReadProfiles() for ssid, *_ in self.wlan_sta.scan(): ssid = ssid.decode("utf-8") if ssid in profiles: password = profiles[ssid] if self.__WifiConnect(ssid, password): return print('Could not connect to any WiFi network. Starting the configuration portal...') self.__WebServer() def disconnect(self): if self.wlan_sta.isconnected(): self.wlan_sta.disconnect() def is_connected(self): return self.wlan_sta.isconnected() def get_address(self): return self.wlan_sta.ifconfig() def __WriteProfiles(self, profiles): lines = [] for ssid, password in profiles.items(): lines.append('{0};{1}\n'.format(ssid, password)) with open(self.sta_profiles, 'w') as myfile: myfile.write(''.join(lines)) def __ReadProfiles(self): try: with open(self.sta_profiles) as myfile: lines = myfile.readlines() except OSError: lines = [] pass profiles = {} for line in lines: ssid, password = line.strip().split(';') profiles[ssid] = password return profiles def __WifiConnect(self, ssid, password): print('Trying to connect to:', ssid) self.wlan_sta.connect(ssid, password) for _ in range(100): if self.wlan_sta.isconnected(): print('\nConnected! Network information:', self.wlan_sta.ifconfig()) return True else: print('.', end='') utime.sleep_ms(100) print('\nConnection failed!') self.wlan_sta.disconnect() return False def __WebServer(self): self.wlan_ap.active(True) self.wlan_ap.config(essid = self.ap_ssid, password = self.ap_password, authmode = self.ap_authmode) server_socket = usocket.socket() server_socket.close() server_socket = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.setsockopt(usocket.SOL_SOCKET, usocket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind(('', 80)) server_socket.listen(1) print('Connect to', self.ap_ssid, 'with the password', self.ap_password, 'and access the captive portal at', self.wlan_ap.ifconfig()[0]) while True: if self.wlan_sta.isconnected(): self.wlan_ap.active(False) if self.reboot: print('The device will reboot in 5 seconds.') utime.sleep(5) machine.reset() return self.client, addr = server_socket.accept() try: self.client.settimeout(5.0) self.request = b'' try: while True: if '\r\n\r\n' in self.request: # Fix for Safari browser self.request += self.client.recv(512) break self.request += self.client.recv(128) except OSError: # It's normal to receive timeout errors in this stage, we can safely ignore them. pass if self.request: url = ure.search('(?:GET|POST) /(.*?)(?:\\?.*?)? HTTP', self.request).group(1).decode('utf-8').rstrip('/') if url == '': self.__HandleRoot() elif url == 'configure': self.__HandleConfigure() else: self.__HandleNotFound() except Exception: print('Something went wrong! Reboot and try again.') return finally: self.client.close() def __SendHeader(self, status_code = 200): self.client.send("""HTTP/1.1 {0} OK\r\n""".format(status_code)) self.client.send("""Content-Type: text/html\r\n""") self.client.send("""Connection: close\r\n""") def __SendResponse(self, payload, status_code = 200): self.__SendHeader(status_code) self.client.sendall(""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>WiFi Manager</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="data:,"> </head> <body> {0} </body> </html> """.format(payload)) self.client.close() def __HandleRoot(self): self.__SendHeader() self.client.sendall(""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>WiFi Manager</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="data:,"> </head> <body> <h1>{0}</h1> <form action="/configure" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> """.format(self.ap_ssid)) for ssid, *_ in self.wlan_sta.scan(): ssid = ssid.decode("utf-8") self.client.sendall(""" <p><input type="radio" name="ssid" value="{0}" id="{0}"><label for="{0}"> {0}</label></p> """.format(ssid)) self.client.sendall(""" <p><label for="password">Password: </label><input type="password" id="password" name="password"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Connect"></p> </form> </body> </html> """) self.client.close() def __HandleConfigure(self): match = ure.search('ssid=([^&]*)&password=(.*)', self.request) if match: ssid = match.group(1).decode('utf-8').replace('%3F', '?').replace('%21', '!').replace('%23', '#') password = match.group(2).decode('utf-8').replace('%3F', '?').replace('%21', '!') if len(ssid) == 0: self.__SendResponse("""<p>SSID must be providaded!</p><p>Go back and try again!</p>""", 400) elif self.__WifiConnect(ssid, password): self.__SendResponse("""<p>Successfully connected to</p><h1>{0}</h1><p>IP address: {1}</p>""".format(ssid, self.wlan_sta.ifconfig()[0])) profiles = self.__ReadProfiles() profiles[ssid] = password self.__WriteProfiles(profiles) utime.sleep(5) else: self.__SendResponse("""<p>Could not connect to</p><h1>{0}</h1><p>Go back and try again!</p>""".format(ssid)) utime.sleep(5) else: self.__SendResponse("""<p>Parameters not found!</p>""", 400) utime.sleep(5) def __HandleNotFound(self): self.__SendResponse("""<p>Path not found!</p>""", 404) utime.sleep(5)
from wifi_manager import WifiManager import utime # Example of usage wm = WifiManager() wm.connect() while True: if wm.is_connected(): print('Connected!') else: print('Disconnected!') utime.sleep(10)
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